3.3 | Import/Export Truth Tables

The truth table dictates the relationship between departments and sub-departments. There are 4 values that convey the nature of that relationship.

To import a truth table, under the department manager click import truth table > select a document from your system’s file storage > click import

To export a truth table, under the department manager click export truth table > proceed > download

Example of a Truth Table

1 = Yes (enabled) | 0 = No (disabled)

The outermost right parameter (ones place value) determines if the two departments are linked. If linked, the relationship is symmetrical.

The inner parameter (tens place value) determines if the two departments can send each other messages. If so, the relationship is symmetrical.

The inner parameter (hundreds place value) determines if the department can track users of another department.

The outermost left parameter (thousands place value) determines if a department can draft members of another department to bring them into a group.

Asymmetrical Relationships

An asymmetrical relationship exists when linked departments do not have the same permissions. (Department A can draft users from Department B; Department B cannot draft users from Department A)

Example of an Asymmetrical Relationship

The example asymmetrical relationship exists between the police and fire departments. The table reads as the rows relationship to the columns; for example, Department 1 reads as the police’s relationship to the fire department.

The police department (Department 1) is linked to the fire department. Relationship = 1111 | The police department can send messages, track users, and draft users from the fire department.

The fire department (Department 2) is linked to the police department. Relationship = 0111 | The fire department can send messages and track users, but they cannot draft users from the police department.