The Home Location tab allows the administrator to set the default geographic location associated with a department. When clicking on the home location tab, the user will be presented with a map interface.
How To Set the Home Location
1. Click the Home Location tab
2. Pan, zoom, and click on the desired location on the map
Tracking Rates
The tracking rates tab displays the location rates and thresholds. Settings marked as “Default” are only used as defaults for new departments. They may be changed for each department by a site or department administrator.
How To Change the Tracking Rates
1. Open the Tracking Rates tab
2. Select the appropriate text box > type in your desired value.
Default tactical report interval (s) [2]: This is the lowest tactical location report interval (in seconds) that any department may set. It is the amount of time (in seconds) between location updates while in “Tactical” tracking mode. The smaller numbers yield “faster” tracking rates.
Default normal report interval (s) [60]: This is the amount of time (in seconds) between location updates while in “Normal / Standard” tracking mode.
Default power save report interval (s) [900]: This is the amount of time (in seconds) between location updates while in “Power Save” tracking mode.
Accuracies and minimum delta are in meters (m).
Settings marked “Default” are only used as defaults for new departments. Default worst acceptable accuracy (m) [5000]: Clients will not report a location unless it is known to be accurate within this number of meters.
Default preferred accuracy (m) [5]: Clients will spend up to 30 extra seconds to obtain location information known to be accurate to within this number of meters.
Default minimum delta (m) [3]: Client will not report a new location unless the location has changed by this amount or more.